Enflasyonda yeni rekor: Yüzde 48,7 (3 Şubat 2022, Al Monitor)
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) başkanının görevden alınmasıyla daha da çok merak edilen Ocak enflasyonu 3…
Top-tier clubs in soccer-crazy Turkey are set to return to action June 12 after a three-month pause over COVID-19, but the country’s soccer industry is facing a bleak future as the fallout of the pandemic aggravates its long-running financial troubles.
The industry was already ailing when the novel coronavirus officially arrived in Turkey March 11. It was suffering from financial hardships as well as a decline in sportive success as a result of growing economic and administrative issues in recent years. When the Turkish Soccer Federation (TFF) decided to resume league play behind closed doors, the news was met with vocal objections, especially from club trainers and players, who see the resumption as premature. Yet, money talks.