Zoraki büyümenin yakıtı tükeniyor (Al Monitor, 16 Aralık 2022)
Erdoğan iktidarının, özellikle 2023’te yapılacak cumhurbaşkanlığı ve milletvekili seçimlerini düşünerek, başta yüksek enflasyon olmak üzere…
A combination of factors helped Turkey ease its foreign-currency woes during the summer, but the problem could resurge in the coming months as Ankara balks at unpopular measures ahead of local elections in spring.
Decreasing uncertainty after the presidential and parliamentary elections in May laid the ground for foreign-currency assets held abroad or “under the pillow” to flow into the formal economy. That confidence was increased after Mehmet Simsek, an economist highly regarded among international investors, took the reins of the economy in June. According to central bank data, such inflows — recorded under “net errors and omissions” in the balance of payments — totaled about $16 billion in the four months from June through September.